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- Additions to existing entities
- An Introduction to Squirrel
- Attribute information
- CAISound
- CAI AllySpeechManager
- CAI AssaultGoal
- CAI BattleLine
- CAI ChangeHintGroup
- CAI ChangeTarget
- CAI DynamicLink
- CAI DynamicLinkController
- CAI FollowGoal
- CAI GoalEntity
- CAI Hint
- CAI LeadGoal
- CAI LeadGoal Weapon
- CAI NetworkManager
- CAI RadialLinkController
- CAI Relationship
- CAI ScriptConditions
- CAI ScriptedSchedule
- CAI ScriptedSentence
- CAI ScriptedSequence
- CAI SpeechFilter
- CAI StandoffGoal
- CAI TestHull
- CAchievementZone
- CAmbientGeneric
- CAmmoPack
- CAmmoPackMedium
- CAmmoPackSmall
- CAreaPortal
- CArenaLogic
- CArmor
- CAssaultPoint
- CBallPlayerToucher
- CBaseAnimating
- CBaseAnimatingOverlay
- CBaseAttributableItem
- CBaseButton
- CBaseCombatCharacter
- CBaseCombatWeapon
- CBaseDMStart
- CBaseDelay
- CBaseDoor
- CBaseEntity
- CBaseEntity.m nRenderFX
- CBaseFilter
- CBaseFire
- CBaseFlex
- CBaseGrenade
- CBaseGrenadeConcussion
- CBaseGrenadeContact
- CBaseGrenadeTimed
- CBaseMoveBehavior
- CBaseNPCMaker
- CBaseObject
- CBaseObjectUpgrade
- CBaseParticleEntity
- CBasePlatTrain
- CBasePlayer
- CBaseProjectile
- CBaseProp
- CBasePropDoor
- CBaseTFBotHintEntity
- CBaseTeamObjectiveResource
- CBaseTempEntity
- CBaseToggle
- CBaseTrigger
- CBaseVPhysicsTrigger
- CBaseViewModel
- CBeam
- CBlendingCycler
- CBlood
- CBoneFollower
- CBonusDuckPickup
- CBonusPack
- CBonusRoundLogic
- CBossAlpha
- CBossBattleLogic
- CBotNPCArcher
- CBotNPCDecoy
- CBotNPCMiniNuker
- CBotNPCMiniRockets
- CBotNPCMinion
- CBreakable
- CBreakableProp
- CBreakableSurface
- CBubbling
- CCPTimerLogic
- CCaptureFlag
- CCaptureFlagReturnIcon
- CCaptureZone
- CCaptureZoneShim
- CChangeClassZone
- CChangeLevel
- CColorCorrection
- CColorCorrectionVolume
- CCommentaryAuto
- CCommentaryViewPosition
- CCompetitiveLogic
- CConstraintAnchor
- CCredits
- CCurrencyPack
- CCurrencyPackCustom
- CCurrencyPackMedium
- CCurrencyPackSmall
- CDebugHistory
- CDecal
- CDispenserTouchTrigger
- CDynamicLight
- CDynamicProp
- CEconEntity
- CEconWearable
- CEmbers
- CEnableMotionFixup
- CEntityBird
- CEntityBlocker
- CEntityDissolve
- CEntityFlame
- CEntityParticleTrail
- CEntitySpawnManager
- CEntitySpawnPoint
- CEnvBeam
- CEnvBeverage
- CEnvDetailController
- CEnvDustPuff
- CEnvEffectsScript
- CEnvEntityMaker
- CEnvExplosion
- CEnvFade
- CEnvFireSensor
- CEnvFireSource
- CEnvFunnel
- CEnvGlobal
- CEnvGunfire
- CEnvHudHint
- CEnvLaser
- CEnvLight
- CEnvMicrophone
- CEnvMuzzleFlash
- CEnvParticleScript
- CEnvPlayerSurfaceTrigger
- CEnvProjectedTexture
- CEnvQuadraticBeam
- CEnvScreenEffect
- CEnvScreenOverlay
- CEnvShake
- CEnvShooter
- CEnvSoundscape
- CEnvSoundscapeProxy
- CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable
- CEnvSpark
- CEnvSplash
- CEnvTonemapController
- CEnvTracer
- CEnvViewPunch
- CEnvWind
- CEnvZoom
- CEventQueueSaveLoadProxy
- CExtraMapEntity
- CExtraMapEntity Carrier
- CExtraMapEntity Rocket
- CExtraMapEntity Saucer
- CExtraMapEntity Sign
- CEyeballBoss
- CFilterClass
- CFilterEnemy
- CFilterMassGreater
- CFilterMultiple
- CFilterName
- CFilterTFBotHasTag
- CFilterTFCanCap
- CFilterTFClass
- CFilterTFCondition
- CFilterTFTeam
- CFilterTFWearingItem
- CFire
- CFireSmoke
- CFireTrail
- CFish
- CFishPool
- CFlagDetectionZone
- CFlextalkActor
- CFogController
- CFrictionModifier
- CFuncAreaPortalBase
- CFuncAreaPortalWindow
- CFuncBrush
- CFuncConveyor
- CFuncFlagAlertZone
- CFuncForceField
- CFuncIllusionary
- CFuncLadder
- CFuncLadderEndPoint
- CFuncMonitor
- CFuncMoveLinear
- CFuncNavAvoid
- CFuncNavBlocker
- CFuncNavCost
- CFuncNavObstruction
- CFuncNavPrefer
- CFuncNavPrerequisite
- CFuncNoBuild
- CFuncOccluder
- CFuncPasstimeGoal
- CFuncPasstimeGoalShim
- CFuncPasstimeGoalieZone
- CFuncPasstimeNoBallZone
- CFuncPlat
- CFuncPlatRot
- CFuncReflectiveGlass
- CFuncRespawnFlagZone
- CFuncRespawnRoom
- CFuncRespawnRoomShim
- CFuncRespawnRoomVisualizer
- CFuncRotating
- CFuncSmokeVolume
- CFuncSuggestedBuild
- CFuncTankTrain
- CFuncTrackAuto
- CFuncTrackChange
- CFuncTrackTrain
- CFuncTrain
- CFuncTrainControls
- CFuncVPhysicsClip
- CFuncVehicleClip
- CFuncWall
- CFuncWallToggle
- CFunc Dust
- CFunc DustCloud
- CFunc DustMotes
- CFunc LOD
- CGameEnd
- CGameGibManager
- CGamePlayerEquip
- CGamePlayerHurt
- CGamePlayerTeam
- CGamePlayerZone
- CGameRulesProxy
- CGameScore
- CGameTeamSet
- CGameText
- CGameUI
- CGameWeaponManager
- CGenericActor
- CGenericCycler
- CGenericFlexCycler
- CGenericNPC
- CGhost
- CGib
- CGibShooter
- CGravityPellet
- CGrenadePack
- CGunTarget
- CHalloweenGiftPickup
- CHalloweenGiftSpawnLocation
- CHalloweenPickup
- CHalloweenSoulPack
- CHandleDummy
- CHandleTest
- CHeadlessHatman
- CHealthAmmoKit
- CHealthKit
- CHealthKitMedium
- CHealthKitSmall
- CHightower TeleportVortex
- CHybridMap CTF CP
- CInfoCameraLink
- CInfoIntermission
- CInfoLadderDismount
- CInfoLightingRelative
- CInfoMassCenter
- CInfoOverlayAccessor
- CInfoTarget
- CInstancedSceneEntity
- CIntroViewpoint
- CItem
- CItemSoda
- CKeepUpright
- CKothLogic
- CLaserDot
- CLight
- CLightGlow
- CLogicAchievement
- CLogicActiveAutosave
- CLogicAuto
- CLogicAutosave
- CLogicBranch
- CLogicBranchList
- CLogicCase
- CLogicCollisionPair
- CLogicCompare
- CLogicCompareInteger
- CLogicEventListener
- CLogicEventListenerItemEquip
- CLogicLineToEntity
- CLogicMannPower
- CLogicMeasureMovement
- CLogicMirrorMovement
- CLogicNavigation
- CLogicOnHoliday
- CLogicRelay
- CLogicScript
- CLogicalEntity
- CMannVsMachineLogic
- CMannVsMachineStats
- CMaterialModifyControl
- CMathColorBlend
- CMathCounter
- CMathRemap
- CMedievalLogic
- CMedigunShield
- CMerasmus
- CMerasmusDancer
- CMessage
- CMessageEntity
- CMiniTurret
- CMomentaryRotButton
- CMonsterResource
- CMovementSpeedMod
- CMultiSource
- CMultipleEscort
- CNPCEventResponseSystemEntity
- CNPCMaker
- CNPCSpawnDestination
- CNPC Furniture
- CNPC VehicleDriver
- CNoGrenadesZone
- CNodeEnt
- CNullEntity
- CObjectCartDispenser
- CObjectCatapult
- CObjectDispenser
- CObjectSapper
- CObjectSentrygun
- CObjectSpyTrap
- CObjectTeleporter
- CObserverPoint
- COrnamentProp
- CParticleFire
- CParticleLight