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Overview[edit | edit source]

Placed and carried sentry guns are instances of this class.

Source location : /game/server/tf2/tf_obj_sentrygun.h

Linked entity : obj_sentrygun

Class Structure[edit | edit source]

SendProps[edit | edit source]

Name Type Description
m_iAmmoShells Integer The amount of bullet ammo this sentry currently has
m_iAmmoRockets Integer The amount of rocket ammo this sentry currently has
m_iState Integer What this sentrygun is currently doing
  • 0 - SENTRY_STATE_INACTIVE // Carried or being constructed
  • 1 - SENTRY_STATE_SEARCHING // Active and sweeping for targets
  • 2 - SENTRY_STATE_ATTACKING // Rotating to fire, or actively firing on an enemy
m_bPlayerControlled Boolean Whether or not this sentry is being controlled by a player with the Wrangler
m_nShieldLevel Integer The shielding level for this sentry
  • 2 - SHIELD_MAX
  • SHIELD_NONE (0) is the normal non shielded state for a sentry
  • SHIELD_NORMAL (1) is applied when the Wrangler is actively controlling the sentry, reducing damage by 66%
  • SHIELD_MAX (2) is applied when an übercharge canteen is used by the engineer, reducing damage by 90% and applying a temporarily shield to the sentrygun. This will NOT happen however if the engineer has the Wrangler out, m_nShieldLevel will remain SHIELD_NORMAL.
m_hEnemy Integer The target of this sentry's fire. When the sentry is uncontrolled this will be the player it is attempting to fire at. When the sentry is controlled by a Wrangler it will be the env_laser used by the weapon
m_hAutoAimTarget Integer The aim assisted player target used by the Wrangler. When aiming near an enemy and a positive vector trace is established the env_laser will lock on to the target player, and this value (m_hAutoAimTarget) will be set to that enemy
m_iKills Integer The number of kills this sentry has accumulated in it's life
m_iAssists Integer The number of kill assists this sentry has accumulated in it's life