Custom Entities
Checks for entities inside the trigger and the radius (if specified). The closest entity to the origin inside the trigger is marked as target. Shares inputs and outputs with trigger_multiple
- $checklineofsight <1/0> (Default: 0)
- Should the line of sight between the detector origin and the target be clear.
- $radius <number> (Default: 65000)
- Maximum distance between the the detector origin and the target
- $fov <number> (Default: 180)
- If set, only detect entities in field of view angle defined in degrees
- $keeptarget <1/0> (Default: 0)
- Should the detector keep targeting the entity as long as it remains in range, even if there is another closer suitable target
- $TargetTest
- Check if there is a detectable entity inside the the detector
- $OnNewTarget
- Fired when a new target is being found. The new target is the !activator
- $OnLostTarget
- Fired when the target is no longer in range, or a new target is being choosen. The lost target is the !activator
- $OnLostTargetAll
- Fired when there are no more targets in range
- $TargetTestPass
- Fired after $TargetTest input if there is an entity in range currently detected by the detector. The detected entity is the !activator
- $TargetTestFail
- Fired after $TargetTest input if there are no entities in range detected by the detector
Spawns dropped weapons
- $item <string>
- Name of the item to spawn
- $nomotion <1/0> (Default: 0)
- Spawn items without gravity
- $ammo <number> (Default: -1)
- Spawn with this much ammo
- $clip <number> (Default: -1)
- Spawn with this much ammo in the clip
- $energy <number>
- Spawn with custom amount of energy in (0-1) range
- $charge <number>
- Spawn with custom medigun charge amount in (0-1) range
- $DropWeapon
- Drop weapon
- $OnPickup
- Fired when a player picks up the weapon. The player is the !activator
Detects if an entity with a specified classname had spawned
- $name <string>
- Name of the classname to check
- $OnEntitySpawned
- Fired when an entity with the specified classname spawns. The spawned entity is the !activator
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the key value. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the key to compare, example: health
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter. Should only be set for numeric values.
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the custom entity variable (declared by firing $SetVar$variablename input of the entity). Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: myvar
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter. Should only be set for numeric values.
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the datamap prop. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: m_iHealth
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter. Should only be set for numeric values.
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the send prop. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: m_nCurrency
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter. Should only be set for numeric values.
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities by proximity to the target entity
- $target <string>
- Name of the target entity, or coordinates in x y z format
- $range <number>
- Maximum distance to pass the filter
Custom filter that lets you filter entities inside a bounding box
- $target <string>
- Name of the target entity or coordinates in x y z format
- $min <vector>
- the negative box bounds in x y z format
- $max <vector>
- the positive box bounds in x y z format
Custom damage filter that filters damage by the weapon item name
- $item <string>
- Name of the weapon to filter against
Custom damage filter that filters damage by the existence of "special damage type" attribute of the weapon
- $type <number>
- Number of the special damage type required to pass the trigger
Executes lua scripts. single $script_manager entity called popscript is created when a mission includes lua code. When created manually, this entity persists after map reset, and executes scripts after spawn
- $scriptfile <string>
- Script files separated by comma to be executed when this entity spawns
- $scrips <string>
- Script to be executed when this entity spawns
- $ExecuteScript <string>
- Executes script provided in the string
- $ExecuteFile <string>
- Executes script file
- $<function name> <any>
- Calls a named global function with parameters: provided value, activator, caller