List of custom attributes

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Attribute Name Description Example Value
parachute disabled If set to 1, the user cannot deploy parachutes 1
fires milk bolt Secondary attack: crossbow fires milk bolt. Regenerates every x seconds 1
force distribute currency on death Bots with this attribute distribute their currency on death, like with sniper kills (red money) 1
melee cleave attack Melee weapon attacks all enemies in range 1
extra damage on hit penalty Special mode for revolver: each hit reduces damage, up to x times. Likely does not work 1
extra damage on hit 1
mod teleporter speed boost Grants the players speed buff for 4 seconds after leaving teleporter 1
set turn to ice Turns the victim ragdoll to ice 1
can breathe under water If set to 1, the player can breathe underwater 1
cannot swim If set to 1, the player cannot swim 1
swimming mastery If set to 1, the player can swim at full class speed 1
ability doubletap teleport If set to 1, the player can move teleporters with double tapped movement keys. Does not work 1
mod ignore resists absorbs A worse version of damage piercing since it only ignores the Battalion's Backup's 35% damage reduction. Does not work? 1
scoreboard minigame Players with this attribute are granted more points for kills but lose points after death 1
wet immunity Makes the player immune to wet statuses, like Jarate and Mad Milk 1
ability master sniper Huntsman: reduces shoot time 40%/70%, same functionality as faster reload rate but limited to 2 points

Sniper rifle: reduces zoom time 40%/70% (like reload rate does). increases charge rate 50%/200%, but actually 100% due to the cap

last shot crits Last revolver shot in the clip is critical 1
keep disguise on attack Keep disguise after attacking. Revolver only 1
add give health to teammate on hit On hit ally: heal your teammate for x health, draining your own health 75
mod minigun can holster while spinning Can switch to other weapons while spinning minigun 1
sapper deploy time Probably does nothing, otherwise it adds time required for the sapper to activate 1
kill combo fire rate boost On kill: gives x% fire rate bonus, stacks up to 3 times. Killing a different class clears the combo 0.1
mult dispenser rate Multiplier for health, ammo, and metal dispenser rate 2
mvm sentry ammo Sentry max ammo multiplier 2
build small sentries Sentry is 20% smaller. 33% less health, 25% less metal required to upgrade 1
mult teleporter recharge rate Teleporter recharge duration multiplier 1
disguise as dispenser on crouch As spy, disguise as dispenser when crouching 1
ubercharge transfer On hit, as a medic, with "ubercharge ammo" syringegun: transfer x% of the used uber to the enemy medic 34
ubercharge ammo Uses ubercharge as ammo. 100 for full uber use. Syringegun (not crossbow) only 10
teleport instead of die On death: x% chance of being immediately revived at spawn with 1 health 0.5
mod projectile heat seek power The weapon's homing seek power, in degrees per second.

This attribute is required for the other "mod projectile heat" attributes to work!

mod projectile heat aim error The weapon's max error in aim in degrees. If no target is within this degree, the projectile will not home. 90
mod projectile heat aim time Time in seconds that the projectile is homing for 1.75
mod projectile heat no predict target speed Disables movement prediction for homing projectiles. Might be useful for very slow projectiles. 1
mod projectile heat follow crosshair Homing projectiles will follow the crosshair instead of enemies. 1
mod projectile heat aim start time Time in seconds before the projectile starts homing. 3
mult dmg vs same class Damage vs same class multiplier 2
uber on damage taken On taking damage: x% chance of being ubercharged for 3 seconds 1
mult dmgtaken from melee Damage taken from melee multiplier 0.3
mult crit when health is below percent Player is crit boosted when below x% health. 0.5
penetration damage penalty Penetrated players receive only x% damage. Bullets only. Can be damage bonus despite the name 0.5
firing forward pull Player is pushed x units and speed boosted when firing flamethrower. Limited by ground move speed 1000
mod soldier buff range Multiplier for Soldier's banner buff range. Base is 450 HU. 1.7
mult rocketjump deploy time Deploy speed bonus when rocket jumping 0.4
mul nonrocketjump attackrate Fire rate multiplier when not rocket jumping 0.5
aoe heal chance On hit: refire time * (x/60) % chance for aoe heal for 1s (24 hp healed total). use 60 for 100% chance on 1s refire time weapon, 600 for 0.1s 80
crits on damage On hit: refire time * (x/60) % chance for crit boost for 3s. use 60 for 100% chance on 1s refire time weapon, 600 for 0.1s 80
stun on damage On hit: refire time * (x/60) % chance for stun for 3s. use 60 for 100% chance on 1s refire time weapon, 600 for 0.1s 80
aoe blast on damage On hit: refire time * (x/60) % chance for 100 hu blast that stuns players for 2 seconds and applies bleed. use 60 for 100% chance on 1s refire time weapon, 600 for 0.1s 80
mult dmg with reduced health Grants up to x% damage bonus based on current health 2
mult airblast primary refire time Multiplier of how fast primary fire can be used after airblasting 4
mod flamethrower spinup time Spin up time for flamethrowers in seconds 2.4
mult airblast cone scale Player pushback cone scale. Might not work after JI 1.8
airblast functionality flags Combination of flamethrower flags, used to limit airblast functionality. You have to add those numbers to enable specific functions (by default all are enabled):

1 - If airblast should push players

2 - If airblast can put out afterburn

4 - If airblast can reflect projectiles

8 - If airblast can stun players

16 - If airblast disrupts player aim

reverse airblast airblast pushes players towards the pyro. Does not work? 1
airblast dashes airblast pushes the pyro instead of enemies. Affected by airblast push force. 1
mult sniper charge per sec with enemy under crosshair Sniper rifle charge rate when looking at the enemy. Still subject to the 200% charge rate limit 2
sniper beep with enemy under crosshair Beeps when the sniper is looking at the enemy while charging, if set to 1 1
disable buildings on hit On building hit: Disable for x seconds 4
regenerate stickbomb Regenerates Ullapool Caber after a hit. 1
mult smack time Melee "smack time" multiplier; time between pressing the fire button and the attack being dealt (0.2s default) 4
medic machinery beam If set to 1, enables healing buildings as medic. increases building healing rate by 10% for each point 1
arrow mastery Lets the Huntsman shoot 2 additional arrows per level, 25 base damage each. Can headshot. 1
custom item model Custom item model name models/model.mdl
custom weapon fire sound Custom weapon fire sound. Does not work for the weapon owner
explosive bullets Bullets explode in x radius on hit (147 is rocket launcher radius) 100
mult projectile scale Projectile model scale multipier 2
mult projectile count Fire x projectiles at once. Add "ignores other projectiles" 1 to Rocket Launchers so that rockets don't collide with each other. 4
projectile trail particle Projectile trail particle name. Prefix the particle name with ~ to remove the original particle.
explosion particle Explosion particle name
radius sleeper Restores the Sydney Sleeper's old "Jarate explosion" on headshot and fully-charged bodyshot. 1
cannot be sapped Bots with this attribute cannot be affected by the Sapper 1
item color rgb Item tint color 223424
is invisible Turns item invisible 1
cannot taunt If set to 1, cannot taunt 1
projectile acceleration Projectile acceleration in hu/s^2 500
projectile acceleration time TIme in seconds that the projectile should accelerate for 2.55
projectile acceleration start time Time before projectile starts accelerating 1
is miniboss The player is counted as a miniboss. Sappers will not fully stun, backstabs deal set damage, will not receive bomb buffs. 1
model scale Player's model scale. 1.75 is used for giant bots. 1
cannot upgrade If set to 1, the player cannot use upgrade stations 1
min respawn time Minimal respawn time in seconds 4
always crit Weapon always crits. Less reliable with higher ping. 1
mult firerocket rate Level 3 Sentry rocket fire rate 1
building max level Building max level limit 1
sentry rapid fire Allows for faster sentry fire rate, up to 66 shots per second. Effectively fixes sentry fire rate upgrades by not simulating it every 3 ticks, but every tick. 1
dont count damage towards crit rate Dealing damage with weapon does not increase crit rate 1
reduced damage rampup Sets the weapon's maximum damage rampup to 20% (similar to Stickybomb Launchers) 1
no reduced damage rampup Sets the weapon's maximum damage rampup to 50% (similar to Shotguns) 1
force damage falloff Forces the weapon to have damage rampup and falloff 1
no damage falloff Forces the weapon to have no damage rampup and falloff 1
can headshot Weapon can headshot. Hitscan only; inconsistent on multi-pellet weapons such as Shotguns. 1
building color rgb Building tint color 23424
building scale Building scale. Values above 1.17 make it difficult for players to build on uneven ground 1.54
mult stun resistance Stun and slow multiplier. 0 to be fully stun/slow immune 0
allow friendly fire If set to 1, the player can deal friendly fire damage 1
receive friendly fire If set to 1, the player can receive friendly fire from teammates 1
mult dmg friendly fire Damage dealt to teammates multiplier. Requires "allow friendly fire" to be set to 1. 0.4
cannot headshot Weapon cannot headshot 1
mult crit dmg Crit damage multiplier 1.54
cannot be headshot If set to 1, the player cannot be headshot. Only blocks hitscan headshots 1
attachment name Use this model attachment instead of bonemerging. If the name is empty, it will follow player origin instead.

Common attachments for robot models: head, eye_1, flag. Some bot models also have eye_2, partyhat. Demo & Soldier additionally contain foot_L and foot_R

Common attachments for player models: head, eyes, flag, partyhat, bread_face, bread_head, effect_hand_L, effect_hand_R, bread_hand_r, bread_hand_l, bread_butt, bread_heel_l, foot_L, foot_R

This attribute is required to make other "attachment" attributes work!

attachment offset Item offset from the attachment origin 4 2 44
attachment angles Rotation for attached items 25 25 0
attachment scale Model scale for attached items 1.5
projectile gravity Projectile gravity in hu/s^2 600
grenade explode on impact Grenades explode on impact with the world, similar to rockets 1

projectile lifetime

Projectile lifetime in seconds; deletes projectiles, does not cause explosions for explosive projectiles. 52
not solid to players The player is not solid to other players 1
is suicide counter If set, the player takes this amount of damage per second, ignores uber, does not apply damage force 1
always allow taunt Always allow the player to continue taunting, even midair. The player cannot start a taunt in midair, but their taunts will not be interrupted by being launched or falling off a bot. 1
mult reflect velocity Reflected projectile speed multiplier 1
custom kill icon Use custom kill icon. Icons are defined in scripts/mod_textures.txt in tf_misc_dir.vpk armageddon
cannot be upgraded If set to 1, the weapon cannot be upgraded, but the player can still use the upgrade station 1
projectile no deflect Projectile cannot be deflected (such as by miniguns) or reflected (such as by flamethrowers). Short Circuit orb will still delete the projectile. 1
player gravity ballon head Player gravity multiplier when affected by the balloon head condition (TF_COND_BALLOON_HEAD). 0 is for regular gravity 12
mult dmg vs giants Damage multiplier vs giants 2.5
mult dmg vs tanks Damage multiplier vs tanks 2.5
mult dmg vs npc Damage multiplier vs npc - including Halloween bosses and tanks, excluding player bots 2.5
custom hit sound Custom sound played when an enemy is hit with the weapon fdfdf
custom impact sound Custom sound played when a rocket / projectile / bullet hits something fdfdf
custom weapon reload sound Custom weapon reload sound fdfdf
no explosion particles No explosion particles and sounds 1
override projectile type extra Special version of override projectile type that adds more projectile types:
Possible values
  • "mechanicalarmorb" - Short circuit orb
  • "stunball" - Sandman ball
  • "ornament" - Wrap Assassin projectile
  • "jarate"
  • "madmilk"
  • "cleaver"
  • "gas"
  • "brick" - Uses bread model. Deals 40 damage on hit.
  • "repel"
  • "breadmonster"
  • "spellfireball" - Fireball spell. Only this spells will trigger ShootTemplate blocks; others will not!
  • "spelllightningorb"
  • "spellkartorb" - Explosive KGB Glove from the Carnival of Carnage kart minigames.
  • "spellbats"
  • "spellmirv" - Pumpkin bombs, only works if the owner has spellbook equipped
  • "spelltransposeteleport"
  • "spellmeteorshower"
  • "spellspawnboss" - Summons spectral MONOCULUS.
  • "spellspawnhorde" - Summon skeletons, only works if the owner has spellbook equipped
dmg current health Deal additional damage; x * target's current health. 0.34
dmg max health Deal additional damage; x * target's max health 0.34
dmg missing health Deal additional damage; x * target's missing health 0.34
cannot be teleported If set to 1, the player cannot be teleported 1
mult medigun range Medigun range multiplier 1.5
projectile penetration limit Penetration limit for projectiles 3
max aoe targets Max targets affected by explosives and flamethrowers 4
effect cond override Effect condition override on drinks, jars, medigun ubercharges, and many other effect-causing weapons 24
add cond on hit Adds condition to the target on hit. To provide a second condition, multiply it by 256. To provide a third condition, multiply it by 65536. 56
add cond on hit duration Add condtion on hit duration 4
remove cond on hit Remove condtion from target on hit. To provide a second condition, multiply it by 256. To provide a third condition, multiply it by 65536. 57
self add cond on hit Adds condition to self when hitting a target 54
self add cond on hit duration Duration of the condition added to self when hitting a target. Requires "self add cond on hit". 3
add cond on kill Adds condition to self when killing a target 57
add cond on kill duration Duration of the condition added to self when killing a target. Requires "add cond on kill". 10
add cond when active Add condition when weapon is active. To provide a second condition, multiply it by 256. To provide a third condition, multiply it by 65536 11
add damage type Add damage type to the attack. See here for a list of damage types. 1
remove damage type Remove damage type from the attack 1
special damage type Sets a special damage type to a range from 1-3, to interact with the attributes listed below. Has no effect otherwise. 1
dmg taken mult from special damage type 1

Damage taken multiplier from weapons with special damage type 1

dmg taken mult from special damage type 2 Damage taken multiplier from weapons with special damage type 2 4
dmg taken mult from special damage type 3 Damage taken multiplier from weapons with special damage type 3 4
mult effect duration Effect duration multiplier on drinks and jars (Crit-a-Cola, Jarate, etc.) 3
special item description Shows text as an attribute if the weapon is inspected or shown as a custom weapon. item description
mult flag carrier move speed Flag carrier move speed multiplier 0.66
overheal from heal on kill If set to 1 and the weapon heals on kill, it can provide overheal 1
fire input on hit Fire an input on hit targets. The player with the attribute is considered the !activator, the target hit is considered the !self. The format is <target>^<input>^<param>. If omitted, default param is damage received !self^SetHealth^0
fire input on hit name restrict Restrict input on hit to the specified targetname or classname. Wildcards are allowed. player
grenade bounce speed Grenades bounce off walls, retaining x% of speed after each bounce. Also works on arrows. 0.8
grenade bounce speed xy Grenade bounce speed in xy direction multiplier 2
grenade bounce damage Grenades explode on direct hits even if the grenade already touched a wall, dealing x% additional damage. Values below 1 will make the grenade deal less damage. 0.3
reset arrow hits on bounce If set to 1 on the Huntsman, when the arrow bounces, allow it to hit the same target again. Requires "grenade bounce speed" or "arrow target bounce speed" 1
arrow target bounce speed Proj+ectiles bounce off hit targets, retaining x% of speed after each bounce. 1
projectile gravity native

Gravity for arrows and flares. 0 is default gravity. For grenades and stickybombs, any value will disable gravity

grenade no drag No drag for grenades and stickybombs, slightly changes projectile arc.


stickybomb stick to enemies Stickybombs can stick to enemies on hit. If already stuck to the world, they will not get stuck on players. 1
stickybomb no stick Stickybombs do not stick to ground 1
collect currency on kill Bots killed by the weapon distribute their currency, like with sniper kills (red money) 1
stomp player damage Damage applied to enemies when touching them 100
stomp player time Time between each instance of stomp damage and push. By default, it happens every tick 0.1
stomp player force Force applied to enemies when touching them. 260 is the minimum amount to knock players up. 270
stomp building damage Damage dealt to enemy buildings on touch 125
reflect keep team Projectiles reflected by this weapon keep their original team 1
custom wind up sound Custom minigun wind up sound. Does not override default sound sound.wav
custom wind down sound Custom minigun wind down sound. Does not override default sound sound.wav
custom minigun spin sound Custom minigun spin sound. The sound will not loop unless its made to loop sound.wav
reflect magnet If set to 1, reflected projectiles aim towards the reflector 1
stay after regenerate If set to 1, the weapon will stay after touching a resupply cabinet or upgrading, if the weapon in the inventory in the slot is different 1
arrow hit kill time If set to any value other than 0, sets custom arrow kill time after hitting something 0.3
custom projectile size Custom projectile hitbox size 30
mod sentry cost Sentry cost multiplier 1.25
mod dispenser cost Dispenser cost multiplier 1.25
penetrate teammates Bullets and projectiles penetrate teammates, like sniper rifles. 1
mult step height Step height multiplier (x * 18hu); allows the player to not need to jump for greater heights 10
ignore player clip Ignore player clip brushes 1
allow bunny hop Allow bunny hopping. 1 - auto bhop. 2 - manual bhop 1
fire input on kill Fire input on killed targets. The player with the attribute is considered the !activator, the target killed is considered the !self. The format is <target>^<input>^<param>. If omitted, default param is damage received. !projectile is the projectile entity !self^SetHealth^0
fire input on kill name restrict Restrict input on kill to specified targetname. Wildcards are allowed player
fire full clip at once Fire the weapon's entire clip at once 1
reload full clip at once Reload full clip at once, like pistols 1
force fire full clip Automatically fire full clip, one shot at a time. Not to be confused with "fire full clip at once". 1
projectile sound Sound played when the projectile is fired sound.wav
burst fire count Fire this many rounds in a burst. If negative, forces to fire this many rounds even if attack button is only pressed once 3
burst fire rate mult Fire rate multiplier between bursts. Regular fire rate is used for the time between shots in a burst. 2
continous accuracy mult Accuracy multiplier, continous attacking increases/decreases accuracy up to specified value over the duration of "continous accuracy time" attribute. Overwrites "spread penalty" attribute 3
continous accuracy time How long in seconds should the weapon be fired continously to reach full "continous accuracy mult" value 1
duck accuracy mult Accuracy multiplier when ducking. Overwrites "spread penalty" attribute 0.5
move accuracy mult Accuracy multiplier when moving. Overwrites "spread penalty" attribute 2
special item description 2 Additional item description line description
special item description 3 Additional item description line description
special item description 4 Additional item description line description
allowed build types Allowed building types, add values together to allow multiple buildings:

1 - dispenser

2 - teleporter

4 - sentry gun

8 - sapper

max bullet range Max bullet range in hu 10
effect add attributes Make weapons that apply addcond effects, such as banners, jars, etc., also apply attributes to the affected player move speed bonus|2|fire rate bonus|0.1
medigun passive attributes Attributes added passively to the patient being healed move speed bonus|2|fire rate bonus|0.1
medigun passive attributes owner Attributes added passively to the healing medic move speed bonus|2|fire rate bonus|0.1
mult dmg vs airborne Damage multiplier vs airborne players 3
revive rate Medigun revive speed multiplier 10
taunt attack after end Taunt attack happens even after taunt ends or is interrupted 1
taunt attack time mult Taunt attack time multiplier, making it happen earlier/later 2
damage returns as health Returns x * damage dealt as health 0.5
no resupply Cannot resupply from cabinets 1
no damage view flinch No view flinch from taking damage 1
disable wrangler shield If set to 1, the Wrangler's sentry shield is disabled 1
parachute redeploy Allow infinite mid-air parachute redeploying 1
mult duck speed Ducking speed multiplier. 3 is for walking speed. Cannot be faster than walking speed 3
particle color rgb RGB color for projectile particles that support it (Bison, Pomson) 765776
particle color rainbow Cycles colors for the projectile particle. Higher values cycle faster 100
ignored by enemy sentries If set to 1, enemy sentries ignore the player 1
melee airblast If set to 1 on a melee weapon, its attacks will reflect projectiles 1
passive reload Automatically reloads the weapon while not active. Since the reload speed is tied to animations this will make weapons reload faster than usual 1
kb fall min velocity Knockback, stun and damage nearby enemies when landing. The value specifies the minimum fall velocity before applying knockback. This attribute is required for the other "kb fall" attributes to work! 300
kb fall radius The radius of the fall knockback. 230 by default 230
kb fall stun time Small robot stun time of the fall knockback. 5 by default 5
kb fall force Fall knockback force. 300 by default 300
kb fall damage Fall knockback damage. 50 by default 50
melee grants protection Melee attacks grant protection from attacks for x seconds 0.6
arrow snap to next target radius If set on the Huntsman, snaps the arrow to the next closest available target within range 1000
mult credit collect range Credit collection radius multiplier. Scouts have a 4x bigger collection radius 2
health from credits Additional health gained from collecting credits. Scouts usually gain 50 health on collecting credits 50
mult bleeding delay Delay between bleeding damage multiplier. Lower values causes bleed damage to happen more times per second. 2
mult bleeding dmg Bleeding damage multiplier 2
not solid If set to 1, the player can phase though walls 1
dmg taken from self reduced Self damage multiplier for the player 0.5
ignored by bots If set to 1, the player is ignored by bots. 1
add attributes on hit Apply attributes to victim on hit with the weapon. Format: attribute|value|duration ... move speed bonus|0.3|2|head scale|3|2
self add attributes on hit Apply attributes to self on hit with the weapon. Format: attribute|value|duration ... move speed bonus|0.3|2|head scale|3|2
add attributes on kill Apply attributes to self on kill with the weapon. Format: attribute|value|duration ... move speed bonus|0.3|2|head scale|3|2
move speed as health decreases Multiply move speed up to x with decreasing health 2
no self effect If set to 1, the weapon cannot ignite or cause bleeding to the wielder 1
cannot pickup spells Cannot pickup spells 1
mult max health Max health multiplier 2
add spread Bullet spread additive. Does not affect clientside effects 1
projectile spread angle mult Projectile spread angle multiplier 3
always allow disguise Always allow the spy to disguise 1
always allow cloak Always allow the spy to cloak 1
always allow teleport Always allow the player to teleport 1
destroy buildings on death Destroy owned buildings on death 1
sentry bullet weapon Sentry bullet weapon name. Can be a custom weapon name TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER
sentry rocket weapon Sentry rocket weapon name. Can be a custom weapon name TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER
custom sentry model Custom sentry model file name or prefix models/buildables/sentry
custom dispenser model Custom dispenser model file name or prefix models/buildables/dispenser
custom teleporter model Custom teleporter model file name or prefix models/buildables/teleporter
mult sentry rocket ammo Sentry rocket ammo multiplier 3
midair accuracy mult Midair accuracy multiplier 2
add damage per target Damage bonus for every target hit by explosion 0.5
projectile detonate time Projectile self detonation time in seconds 0.5
mult afterburn delay Multiplier for the delay between afterburn damage ticks, similar to "mult bleeding delay". Lower values result in more damage per second. 2
custom view model Custom view model. This typically affects first person hands and their animations models/model.mdl
mult dmg while midair Damage multiplier while midair 0.5
hidden string attribute 1 Attribute for storing hidden text in items. 1-4 numbers are available abc
medigun keep charged effect Keep custom medigun uber effect after the beam is disconnected until the uber meter runs out 1
ignores other projectiles Don't collide with other projectiles 1
weapon always gib This weapon always gibs killed enemies 1
weapon never gib This weapon never gibs killed enemies 1
always gib Always gib on death 1
never gib Never gib on death 1
sapper sap allies Sap ally players instead of enemies 1
custom sapper model Custom sapper model; accept either a prefix or full model path models/buildables/sd_sapper
custom sapper sound Custom sapper sound. See example value. Weapon_Sapper.Timer
no clip Give noclip. 1 for regular player speed, use any other value to override 1
arrow ignite If set to 1 on the Huntsman, automatically ignites arrows 1
use original class weapon animations Use weapon animations of the weapon's original class if the weapon is given to an unintended class 1
mult dmg before distance Deals up to x damage depending on distance (2048 hu by default) 2
mult dmg before distance specify Custom distance for "mult dmg before distance" 1000
minigun full movement Can move while ducking when shooting. Bots can also jump 1
use original class player animations Use player animations of the weapon's original class if the weapon is given to an unintended class 1
mult sentry rocket projectile speed Sentry rocket projectile speed multiplier 2
crit on cond Critical hit when the enemy has specified cond 13
minicrit on cond Mini crit hit when the enemy has specified cond 13
add attributes when active Add attributes when the weapon is active move speed bonus|2|damage bonus|2
radial cond Add conditions and attributes on hit in a radius 400
mult explosion radius direct hit Explosion radius multiplier on direct hit 2
buildings cannot be sapped Buldings cannot be sapped 1
mult dmg direct hit Damage multiplier on direct hit 2
explosion particle on direct hit Explosion particle on direct hit particle
cannot upgrade bomb Bomb cannot be upgraded 1
sentry toolbox model Custom carried by player sentry toolbox model models/weapons/c_models/c_toolbox/c_toolbox.mdl
dispenser toolbox model Custom carried by player dispenser toolbox model models/weapons/c_models/c_toolbox/c_toolbox.mdl
teleporter toolbox model Custom carried by player teleporter toolbox model models/weapons/c_models/c_toolbox/c_toolbox.mdl
medigun attack enemy Can attack enemies, dealing damage equal to % heal rate 1.1
medigun self drain Drain health equal to % heal rate from the user when healin 0.6
fire input on attack Fire input on attack. Player is !activator, projectile is !projectile (must be input target), weapon is !self !activator^SetHealth^0
stun on hit Stun target on hit duration 4
stun on hit no giants Giant robots cannot be stunned 1
stun on hit type Stun on hit type:

movement panic bonk ghost bigbonk

stun on hit slow Movement penalty applied with "movement" stun on hit type 0.4
medigun attack enemy heal mult Multiplier of health gained from attacking enemies 3
medigun particle Medigun custom particle. Automatically uses _red and _blue particles when not specified. Sometimes ~ has to be added so that the particle disappears when needed passtime_beam
medigun particle enemy Medigun custom particle when attacking enemies. Sometimes ~ has to be added so that the particle disappears when needed ~dxhr_arm_muzzleflash2
medigun particle release Medigun custom particle when uber is released. Sometimes ~ has to be added so that the particle disappears when needed ~dxhr_arm_muzzleflash2
medigun particle spark Medigun custom particle for full charge sparks medicgun_invulnstatus_fullcharge
effect immunity Immune to effects applied by other players 1
use robot voice Use robot voicelines 1
use human voice Use human voicelines 1
alt fire attack Alt fire fires an attack. Value higher than 1 specifies fire rate multipler when using secondary attack 1
alt fire attributes Attributes to apply when alt fire button is pressed fire rate bonus|2|damage bonus|2
no revive No revive marker on death 1
fire input on effect Fire input when an addcond effect is applied by this weapon. Provider is !activator. The receiver is !caller !activator^SetHealth^0
additional step sound Additional step sound MVM.BotStep
fov override Field of view override. Sniper rifles reset this 33
hud overlay Overlay material effects/jarate_overlay
fire input on taunt Fire input when taunting !activator^SetHealth^0
displace touched enemies Move enemies out of the way. Deal x damage per tick to stuck enemies 1
addcond immunity Immune to specific addconds, separated by | 1|3
attribute immunity Player immune to specific attributes, separated by | move speed bonus|damage bonus
hold fire until full reload Hold fire until full reload. Set to 2 to disable weapon switch if weapon is not fully loaded, even if not currently reloading 1
projectile hit radius Projectile hit radius for damageable entities only 100
noclip projectiles Projectiles penetrate walls. Cannot hit anything unless "projectile hit radius" is set 1
projectile health Projectiles have specified amount of health. Not every projectile is compatible, the owner cannot shoot his own non grenade projectiles. "custom projectile size" might be required to hit some projectiles with bullets 100
projectile take damage type Damage taken by projectile restrictions:

0 - no restrictions

1 - only owner can damage

2 - own team only

3 - enemies only

projectile take damage time Time in seconds before projectile can take damage 0.25
projectile explode on destroy Projectiles explode when destroyed. Can be one of those values:

0 - do not explode 1 - explode 2 - explode, the damage belongs to the attacker 3 - explode only if destroyed by the same team

projectile explode time Projectiles detonate after delay in seconds 1
shoot view punch angle View punch angle when shooting -3 0 0
shoot view punch angle random View punch angle random variance when shooting 3 0 0
custom item model attachment Custom additional item models, parameters in order: model path, player attachment name (leave empty for bonemerge, type "none" for no attachment), R G B color (leave empty for normal), offset, rotation, scale. Offset, rotation, scale only works if attachment name is not empty. Separate attachments with | models/model.mdl,,33 55 99|models/model.mdl,effect_hand_R,,4 2 0,0 270 90,1.5
custom item model attachment 2 Additional item model attribute models/model.mdl,none,255 255 0,0 0 100,0 0 0,1.5
custom item model attachment 3 Additional item model attribute
custom item model attachment viewmodel Custom additional item models in view model, parameters in order: model path, offset, rotation, scale. Offset, rotation, scale detach the model from main view model. Separate attachments with | models/model.mdl|models/model.mdl,4 2 0,0 270 90,1.5
custom item model attachment viewmodel 2 Additional item model attribute in view model models/model.mdl,0 0 100,0 0 0,1.5
custom item model attachment viewmodel 3 Additional item model attribute in view model
custom weapon deploy sound Custom deploy sound sound.wav
spread angle pattern Spread angle (pitch, yaw, roll) pattern, the pattern cycles with each projectile fired 10 0 0|0 0 0|-10 0 0
spread offset pattern Spread offset (front, left, up) pattern, the pattern cycles with each projectile fired 0 10 0|0 0 0|0 -10 0
proj attribute pattern Attribute pattern, cycles with each projectile fired. Attributes separated with |, cycles separated with & projectile speed increased|2|damage bonus|0.5&projectile speed decreased|0.5
shoot pattern reset time Reset the pattern this many seconds after last attack. By default, pattern is reset as soon as the player stops firing 1
shoot pattern no rollback Set to 1 to not rollback the pattern when reaching the last cycle 1
custom damage type override Change custom damage type to something else. Usually it only changes kill icon but sometimes it applies some effects. Available custom damage types: 47
flare no crit burning Disable crit on burning players for flares 1
rage receive scale Scale for damage being received 2
fire input on hit ally Fire input on hit allied players. May require allow friendly fire to work. The player is the activator. The format is <target>^<input>^<param>. If omitted, default param is damage received. !projectile is the projectile entity !self^SetHealth^0