WaveSchedule: Difference between revisions

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Line 94: Line 94:

NoReanimators 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Disable reanimators
NoReanimators 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Disable reanimators

Line 245: Line 244:

DisallowUpgrade "fire rate bonus" [$SIGSEGV] // Disallow upgrade. You can use the position on the upgrade list instead, starting from 1
DisallowUpgrade "fire rate bonus" [$SIGSEGV] // Disallow upgrade. You can use the position on the upgrade list instead, starting from 1

Revision as of 05:45, 21 February 2022


PrecacheSound "weapons/rocket_directhit_shoot_crit.wav" [$SIGSEGV] //If your mission contains custom sounds that are used by pointtemplate entities or sound overrides, you must include those sounds with precachesound

PrecacheScriptSound "Weapon_RPG.Single" [$SIGSEGV] //Sound script version of precache sound

PrecacheModel "models/props_soho/bookstand002.mdl" [$SIGSEGV] //Precaches model. This might be required in some circumstances, such as "custom projectile model" attribute, or prop with custom model

PrecacheSentenceFile "scripts/sentences.txt" [$SIGSEGV] //Precache sentence file

PrecacheDecal "decals/tscorch" [$SIGSEGV] //Precache decal file

PrecacheGeneric "" [$SIGSEGV] //Precache generic file

PrecacheParticle "env_fire_large_smoke" [$SIGSEGV] //Precache particle

Precaching helps to ensure that the content used in the mission will be loaded propely and downloaded to the clients


ForceHoliday 2 [$SIGSEGV] //Enforces Halloween mode, but does not enable wave 666 and zombie bots
NoThrillerTaunt 1 [$SIGSEGV] // No thriller taunt in halloween (default: 0)
NoCritPumpkin 1 [$SIGSEGV] // No crit pumpkin on player death drop in halloween (default: 0)
NoHolidayPickups 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, pickups will remain with default models (default: 0)
ZombiesNoWave666 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, the game will not display wave 666 when EventPopFile is set (default: 0)

BotsDropSpells 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, bots will drop spells
GiantsDropRareSpells 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, giants will drop rare spells rather than common
SpellDropRateCommon 0.5 [$SIGSEGV] //Drop chance for common spell books, from 0 to 1
SpellDropRateGiant 0.5 [$SIGSEGV] //Drop chance for rare spell books, from 0 to 1
SpellDropForBotsInTeam Blue [$SIGSEGV] // When set, drop spells only if bots are from Red/Blue team
SpellBookNormalRoll [$SIGSEGV] // Override spell roll. The value specifies how many spell charges to give. You can duplicate spells to increase their roll chance
	"Healing Aura" 3
	"Fireball" 3
	"Ball O' Bats" 2
	"Healing Aura" 3
	"Pumpkin MIRV" 1 
	"Superjump" 4
	"Invisibility" 2
	"Teleport" 4
	"Tesla Bolt" 3
	"Minify" 1
	"Meteor Shower" 5
	"Summon Monoculus" 1
	"Summon Skeletons" 4
SpellBookRareRoll [$SIGSEGV] // Override spell roll. The value specifies how many spell charges to give. You can duplicate spells to increase their roll chance
	"Healing Aura" 3
	"Fireball" 3
	"Ball O' Bats" 2
	"Healing Aura" 3
	"Pumpkin MIRV" 1 
	"Superjump" 4
	"Invisibility" 2
	"Teleport" 4
	"Tesla Bolt" 3
	"Minify" 1
	"Meteor Shower" 5
	"Summon Monoculus" 1
	"Summon Skeletons" 4

Reverse MvM

ReverseWinConditions 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Player team wins if bots deliver the bomb.
SetCreditTeam 3 [$SIGSEGV] //Sets which team can pickup money. Set to 3 to allow blu team to collect money instead
BluHumanFlagCapture 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Can blu humans capture the flag
BluHumanFlagPickup 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Can blu humans pickup flags
BluHumanInfiniteAmmo 0 [$SIGSEGV] //Enable infinite ammo for blu humans (default: 1)
BluHumanInfiniteCloak 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Enable infinite cloak for blu humans (default: 1)
AllowJoinTeamBlueMax 4 [$SIGSEGV] //How many players can join the blue team
AllowJoinTeamBlue 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If it is possible to join team blue
HumansMustJoinTeam blue [$SIGSEGV] //Set to blue to force players join the blu team
BluPlayersAreRobots 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, blu players use robot models
BotTeleportUberDuration 2 [$SIGSEGV] // How long should uber last for robots exiting engineer bot teleporter (default: 5)
BluHumanTeleportOnSpawn 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Should players get teleported to engineer bot teleport on spawn (default: 0)
BluHumanBotTeleporter 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Should player teleporters teleport players and bots on spawn (default: 0)


NoReanimators 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Disable reanimators

NoMvMDeathTune 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Disable distinctive sound played when a player is killed

SniperHideLasers 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, snipers will not display lasers when aiming

DisableUpgradeStations 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Disable upgrade station

RemoveGrapplingHooks 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Grappling hooks are destroyed after specified amount of seconds

MedievalMode 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Players can only use melee weapons. Bots are not weapon restricted

GrapplingHook 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Enables grappling hook for a mission

RespecEnabled 0 [$SIGSEGV] //Set to 0 to disable refunds

RespecLimit 1 [$SIGSEGV] //How many times the player can use refunds

BonusRatioHalf 0.75 [$SIGSEGV] //The ratio of collected cash required to be awarded 50 bonus credits. (default: 0.95)

BonusRatioFull 0.8 [$SIGSEGV] //The ratio of collected cash required to be awarded 100 bonus credits. (default: 1)

FixedBuybacks 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, the player can only use a number of free buybacks, as specified in BuybacksPerWave

BuybacksPerWave 6 [$SIGSEGV] //How many buybacks can a player use, when FixedBuybacks is set to 1 (default: 0)

DeathPenalty 100 [$SIGSEGV] //Player will lose this many credits after dying

SentryBusterFriendlyFire 0 [$SIGSEGV] //If set to 0, buster will not damage robots (default: 1)

BotPushaway 0 [$SIGSEGV] //Should bots push each other away (default: 1)

CustomUpgradesFile "mvm_upgrades_sigsegv_extra_v19.txt" [$SIGSEGV] //Custom upgrades file. File must be named mvm_upgrades_x.txt, then send to the server

DisableSound "Weapon_Shotgun.Single" [$SIGSEGV] //Disable sound. Note that client side sounds (which include player's own weapon) cannot be disabled. Must use sound script unless there is only a raw version of the sound

RobotLimit 26 [$SIGSEGV] //Sets a robot limit. You can increase or decrease it, but increasing it will reduce max spectator and player count (you need to set MaxSpectators below 4) (default: 22)

EnableDominations 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Should enable player to bot dominations

PlayerRobotsUsePlayerAnimation 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Use player animations instead of robot ones

FixSetCustomModelInput 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Fixes lack of player animations after firing setcustommodel input on player

BotsAreHumans 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Bots use human models by default. If set to 1, bots can't be sapped, if set to 2, they can

BodyPartScaleSpeed 2 [$SIGSEGV] //How fast do "head scale" "torso scale" "hand scale" attributes scale the bot body parts (default: 1)

SandmanStun 0 [$SIGSEGV] //Should the sandman ball stun players. 1 reverts the pre Jungle Inferno stun (default: 1)

SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 [$SIGSEGV] //Should the bots be transferred to spectator team immediately after dying. Use this if your mission consists of lots of easy to kill enemies (default: 0)

MedigunShieldDamage 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set to 1, bot medigun shields will damage players. Use "dmg penalty vs players" attribute to control damage dealt (default: 0)

StandableHeads 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, robots will not push the players of their heads (default: 0)

NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, robots will not wear romevision cosmetics unless forced to (default: 0)

BotsRandomCrit 1 [$SIGSEGV] //If set, robots will be able to deal random critical damage. Use "crit mod disabled" weapon attribute to control crit chance (default: 0)

AimTrackingIntervalMultiplier 3 [$SIGSEGV] // Scale of robot aim tracking interval (default: 1)

SniperAllowHeadshots 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, bot snipers can headshot (and amby spy) (default: 0)

ImprovedAirblast 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, bot pyros can deflect arrows grenades and stickybombs (default: 0)

NoSapUnownedBuildings 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, spies will not target unowned buildings (default: 0)

NoHolidayPickups 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, pickups will remain with default models (default: 0)

MaxSpectators 0 [$SIGSEGV] // Set max spectator count (default: infinite)

MaxRedPlayers 6 [$SIGSEGV] // Override max red player count (default: 6)

DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set, regular robot death is mentioned in the kill feed (default: 0)

FlagCarrierMovementPenalty 0.4 [$SIGSEGV] // Overrides flag carrier movement penalty (default: 0.5)

TextPrintTime 7 [$SIGSEGV] // How fast a line from the wave description is displayed in the middle of the screen. Use 0 to disable (default: 4)

BotTeleportUberDuration 2 [$SIGSEGV] // How long should uber last for robots exiting engineer bot teleporter (default: 5)

BotsUsePlayerTeleporters 0 [$SIGSEGV] // Should bots use player teleporter entrances (default: 1)

MaxSpeedLimit 521 [$SIGSEGV] // Max speed limit override. Values above 520 enchance giant scout movement. Values above 521 disable jumping on stuck (default: 520)

MaxEntitySpeed 10000 [$SIGSEGV] // Max entity speed limit override (default: 3500)

ConchHealthOnHit 0.77 [$SIGSEGV] // Health on hit percentage for conch (default: 0.35)

MarkedForDeathLifetime 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Marked for death duration (default: 15)

VacNumCharges 16 [$SIGSEGV] // Number of charges for Vaccinator (default: 4)

DoubleDonkWindow 99 [$SIGSEGV] // Max time for double donk to register (default: 0.5)

ConchSpeedBoost 10 [$SIGSEGV] // Speed boost provided by the Conch, limited to 40% total speed increase (default: 105)

StealthDamageReduction 0.1 [$SIGSEGV] // Damage reduction provided by invis watch (default: 0.8)

FlagEscortCountOffset 5 [$SIGSEGV] // Allow for this many additional flag escorts (default: 0)

AllowFlagCarrierToFight 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Allow bomb carrier to fight (default: 1)

HealOnKillOverhealMelee 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Heal on kill with melee weapons overheal (default: 1)

NoMissionInfo 0 [$SIGSEGV] // Disable !missioninfo command (default: 0)

MaxActiveSkeletons 999 [$SIGSEGV] // Max active skeletons at once (default: 30)

WaveStartCountdown 9 [$SIGSEGV] // Wave start countdown duration once all players are ready. Values below 10 disable announcer, values below 9 disable starting music (default: 10)

FastNPCUpdate 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, NPCs such as halloween bosses will update every tick (default: 0)

NoJoinMidwave 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, players that joined the server midwave cannot spawn, unless they buyback (default: 0)

ForceRobotBleed 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, robots bleed (default: 0)

MinibossSentrySingleKill 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, minibosses count as single kill for the sentry (default: 0)

BotHumansHaveRobotVoice 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, bots with human models have robot voice (default: 0)

BotHumansHaveEyeGlow 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set to 1, bots with human models have eye glow (default: 0)

CustomEyeParticle "eye_powerup_green_lvl_4" [$SIGSEGV] // Custom eye glow particle (default: "")

   ExtendedUpgradesOnly 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Do not display regular upgrade menu, only show extended upgrades (default: 0)

BunnyHop 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Allow bunnyhopping. 1 enables auto bhop. 2 disables auto bhop (default: 0)

Accelerate 100 [$SIGSEGV] // Acceleration rate (default: 10)

AirAccelerate 100 [$SIGSEGV] // Air Acceleration (turning) rate (default: 10)

NoSkeletonSplit 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Do not split medium skeletons after death (default: 0)

StuckTimeMultiplier 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Multiplier of how fast the bot detects stuck. 3 means bot detect stuck 3 times faster than normal (staying for 4s in 100hu area) (default: 1)

NoCreditsVelocity 1 [$SIGSEGV] // If set credits spawn with no velocity (default: 0)

RestoreNegativeDamageHealing 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Allow negative damage to overheal (default: 0)

TurboPhysics 0 [$SIGSEGV] // Turn off to allow players interacting with physics objects like vehicles (default: 1)

UpgradeStationKeepWeapons 1 [$SIGSEGV] // Prevent upgrading from changing weapons to current loadout items (default: 0)

   CustomNavFile "mvm_bigrock_somecustomnav" [$SIGSEGV] // Custom nav file name

DisallowUpgrade "fire rate bonus" [$SIGSEGV] // Disallow upgrade. You can use the position on the upgrade list instead, starting from 1