
From SigMod
Revision as of 12:11, 22 July 2022 by Seelpit (talk | contribs) (Added temporary notes to the Logic section, based on my personal knowledge. Would be good to have these all verified with their exact details.)
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You can use expressions as input parameter to reduce the amount of logic entities used. Expressions in input parameter start with $$=

For example, using this as input parameter: $$='Health: ('..!activator.m_iHealth..'/'..!activator.m_iMaxHealth..')' will set health information as input parameter.

Expressions are calculated during input execution.

Do not put double quote (i.e. " ) inside expression, but you are allowed to use commas (i.e. , ).

As an admin, sig_expression "expression" command in console can be used to test expressions. (i.e: sig_expression "2+2" echoes Result: 4)


'AADSD' literal string 'AADSD'
4.3 number 4.3
[1 4 5.5] vector [1 4 5.5]
entityname.variable access entity sendprop, datamap, or custom variable !activator.m_iHealth + 41
+ - * / % add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo operators 5 + 2
.. join strings 'This is ' .. 2 .. ' awesome'
> >= < <= == != comparison operators test(7 > 3, 1, 3)
() parentheses, expression inside is calculated before others (4 + 3) * 2
function(param 1, param 2 ...) function min(entity.m_iHealth, entity2.m_iHealth)
&& || and, or operators entity.m_iHealth > 4 && entity2.m_iHealth < 2
& | ^ and, or, xor binary operators
>> << right bit shift, left bit shift
pi pi number pi * pi
degtorad, radtodeg convert angle between degrees and radiants 9 * degtorad
true, false logical true/false

Values are automatically converted when types of left and right sides of operators differ.

For example, [1 4 5] + 4 will automatically convert 4 to [4 4 4] vector.

\' escapes single quotes inside literal string.



test( test expression, if true, if false )
?( test expression, if true, if false )
- Tests an expression for true or false, then returns a specified value based on that.

exists( value )
- Checks whether a value exists, then returns true or false. [Needs verification]

not( value )
!( value )
~( value )
- Inverts a value - f.e. from false to true. [Needs verification]

case( test value, default, case1, [case2] ... )
- Tests a value, and compares it to a list of cases; returns a case number. [Needs verification]

type( value )
- Returns the type of the value: string, int, etc. [Needs verification]


playeratindex( index )
entityindex( entity )
playeritematslot( entity, slot )
attribute( player or item, 'attribute name' ) // attribute name must be in single quotes


min( value 1, value 2 )
max( value 1, value 2 )
clamp( input value, minimum value, maximum value )
remap( input value, from min, from max, to min, to max )
remapclamped( input value, from min, from max, to min, to max )
sqrt( value )
pow( base, exponent )
floor( value )
ceil( value )
randomint( minimum value, maximum value )
randomfloat( minimum value, maximum value )
int( value )
float( value )
sin( angle in radians )
cos( angle in radians )
tan( angle in radians )
atan( value )
atan2( x, y )
abs( value )


length( vector )
distance( vector 1, vector 2 )
dotproduct( vector 1, vector 2 )
crossproduct( vector 1, vector 2 )
rotate( input vector, rotation angles )
normalize( vector )
toangles( vector )
toforwardvector( angles )
vector( string or X coordinate, [Y coordinate], [Z coordinate] ) 
x( vector )
y( vector )
z( vector )


string( value )
stringpad( value, min digits, num digits after decimal point )
charat( string, pos )
substr( string, pos, length )
substring( string, pos, length )
startswith( string, prefix )
endswith( string, suffix )
find( haystack, needle )