
From SigMod
Revision as of 01:11, 31 January 2022 by Mince (talk | contribs)
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All entities with models inherit from this class, even if they don't have any animations.

Source location : /game/server/baseanimating.h

Parent Structure


Name Type Description
m_nForceBone Integer
m_vecForce Vector
m_nSkin Integer
m_nBody Integer
m_nHitboxSet Integer
m_flModelScale Float
000 Float
001 Float
002 Float
003 Float
004 Float
005 Float
006 Float
007 Float
008 Float
009 Float
010 Float
011 Float
012 Float
013 Float
014 Float
015 Float
016 Float
017 Float
018 Float
019 Float
020 Float
021 Float
022 Float
023 Float
m_nSequence Integer
m_flPlaybackRate Float
000 Float
001 Float
002 Float
003 Float
m_bClientSideAnimation Boolean
m_bClientSideFrameReset Boolean
m_nNewSequenceParity Integer
m_nResetEventsParity Integer
m_nMuzzleFlashParity Integer
m_hLightingOrigin Integer
m_hLightingOriginRelative Integer
m_flCycle Float
m_fadeMinDist Float
m_fadeMaxDist Float
m_flFadeScale Float