An Introduction to Squirrel

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This is a relatively brief beginner's guide to the Squirrel language (v3.2) aimed at people with no programming experience interested in trying their hand at VScript. The only prerequisite knowledge you are expected to have is basic knowledge of the Source engine. While in theory this guide is not technically specific to any Source game in particular, it is for version 3.2 which is unique as TF2's version of Squirrel. L4D2, Portal, and other Source games run on older versions, so in practice this guide is directed at TF2 players. If you're following this guide for another Source game that's perfectly fine, just be aware that some features may not function, or they might behave differently in your game's version of Squirrel. You'll also need to store your .nut files in the appropriate place of whatever game you're using, rather than the tf/scripts/vscripts folder.

If you already have experience with C-like languages or programming in general I would recommend you visit the Squirrel Reference Manual for a more expedient learning experience more aimed at developers.

Getting Started

While it's possible to compile the Squirrel source code into binaries with which you can test your code outside of a Source game, simply launching a game and executing your script is much simpler and allows us to test game specific code, so that's what we'll do for the duration of the guide. For guides on VScript itself, the VDC has an excellent collection:

To get set up, navigate to your tf/ directory and add a scripts/vscripts folder if it doesn't already exist and create a file with any name with the extension .nut. You should have a location something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\scripts\vscripts\testing.nut

Go ahead and launch your favorite Source game which supports VScript and load into any map on a local server, then bind any key to "script_execute testing". For example: bind 5 "script_execute testing"

Tab out of your game, open your .nut file and type:

printl("Hello World!");

Save the file then go back in game and press your bind, you should see your text in console!


Every program in any programming language is comprised of a set of instructions called statements which manipulate data to produce a desired result. Programs store data into regions of memory as objects. Objects which we give an identifier (name) in our programs are called variables. You can think of statements as analogous to sentences in the language we speak to each other, each requires a specific set of items to be considered valid, and each is ended with a specific character. Sentences are mostly ended with periods, and statements always end with a semicolon.

Identifiers have a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • They are case-sensitive, wep is not the same as WEP
  • The first character must be alphabetical (a-z) or an underscore, afterwards they can have any combination of (a-z), (0-9), or underscores
  • Underscores are the only special character allowed, nothing else

Valid Identifiers:

  • _weapon
  • weapon_sequence
  • player123

Invalid Identifiers:

  • starting-index
  • 1_ring_to_rule_them_all

In addition, identifiers cannot be the same name as a keyword, which are special identifiers reserved by the language for its use in the syntax. We'll go over most of these throughout the guide, so don't worry about memorizing them just yet.

base break case catch class clone
continue const default delete else enum
extends for foreach function if in
local null resume return switch this
throw try typeof while yield constructor
instanceof true false static __LINE__ __FILE__
To define a variable with x as it's identifier, we use the local keyword:
local x;

We created our variable in this statement but we haven't given it a value, so currently the value for x is null, which is a special value representing the lack of a value. To give our variable an actual value we have two options; we can set it at the time of definition (which is called initialization), or we can assign it a value with the assignment (=) operator in a separate statement, or both!

local x;
local y = 10;

x = 5;
y = 0;

Here we define x and initialize y to 10, and then set x to 5 and y to 0 afterwards.


A comment is a human readable note which was inserted by a programmer to denote the what, how, or why behind code. Comments are ignored by the compiler and only serve to make the code easier to understand or use for programmers. Comments come in two flavors: single line and multi line comments. Single line comments go until they hit a new line character (\n). Multi line comments have a start and end token, anything between them is commented out.

To insert a single line comment, prefix it with // or #.

// I'm a comment that takes the whole line
local darth_variable = 404 # I'm an inline comment

To insert a multi line comment, use /* to start and */ to end.

local foo = 2;

You can "nest" single line comments, but you can't do this with multi line comments

//////////////////////// okay
/* // okay */
/* /* not okay */ */

The compiler will end the multi line comment at the first end token (*/) it sees, so the second one is outside of any comments and results in a compile error.

Data Types

Data stored in variables can have a number of different types which determines what type of object it is and what you can do with it. Below is the full list of data types in Squirrel, however we will only go over the primitive ones in this section. The other data types will receive their own sections later in the guide.

Data Types:

  • Null
  • Integer
  • Bool
  • Float
  • String
  • Table
  • Array
  • Function
  • Generator
  • Class
  • Instance
  • Thread
  • Userdata

To get a variable's data type as a string (see below on strings), you can use the typeof operator.

local t = typeof 5; // "integer"


Has one value: null, it represents the non-existence or lack of a value.

local x; // null

local y = 5;
// ...
y = null;


Represents a 32 bit whole number, meaning it can store any value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. You can specify the integer base as hexadecimal by prefixing with 0x or octal with 0. You can also specify ASCII char codes between single quotes ' which will be stored as their integer value.

local x = 12345;    // Decimal
local y = 0xFFFFFF; // Hexadecimal begins with 0x
local z = 050;      // Octal begins with 0
local c = 'a';      // Char code stored as 97

These are all integer literals, which are hard coded pieces of data within a program for a specific data type. Other types have literals as well which you'll see in the examples below.


Has two values: true and false.

local is_stuck     = false;
local should_round = true;


Represents a 32 bit floating point number, meaning it can store any decimal value from 1.18e-38 to 3.4e38. Due to how floating point numbers are stored in memory, they have a limited amount of accuracy for a certain number of significant digits, for a 32 bit float it's usually around 6 or 7 digits. Any additional digits for the float value may result in rounding errors and precision loss. Keep this in mind when you're working with floats.

local float1 = 1.23456;  // 1.23456 (Regular float literal)
local float2 = 1.2e34;   // 1.2e+34  (Scientific notation float literal)

// Precision loss
local float3 = 1.234567; // 1.23457
local float4 = 1234.567; // 1234.57
local float5 = 123456.7; // 123457
local float6 = 12345678999.0; // 1.23457e+10

You cannot have a leading floating point for float literals, they must start with at least one digit.

// Invalid
local float1 = .123;
local float2 = .12E5;

// Valid
local float3 = 0.123;
local float4 = 0.12E5;


Strings are a sequence of characters with any length between quotation marks ". Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified and you must create a new string if you need to change the old one. Regular strings must begin and end on the same line, they cannot contain any new line characters (\n).

// Strings ...
local str1 = "'''@!(&(*@!%&!(%!%(%&FJSGADFJKL@fadjsh141a=-"; // String
local str2 = "123"; // String with number characters, not an integer
local str3 = "a";   // String
local str4 = "";    // Empty string

// ... compared to char codes
local int1 = 'a';   // NOT a string
local int2 = '';    // Compile error
local int3 = ''';   // Compile error
local int4 = '\'';  // 39, Valid char code for ' (explained below)

// Need to make a new string if we want to modify
local name = "bar";
name = "barber";

Strings (and char literals) may contain escape sequences, which special are characters that denote that something special should happen. Even though they have multiple characters in their definition, they count as one character when actually in use. Here are the ones you're most likely to use:

  • \t - Display a tab
  • \n - Move to a new line
  • \\ - Insert \ char
  • \" - Insert " char
  • \' - Insert ' char
local text  = "Hello there! Please enter your class:\t";    // Tab
local text2 = "What do you mean you don't \"have one\"?\n"; // " char and new line

There may come a time when you need a string that does not interpret escape sequences or that can span multiple lines, which is where verbatim strings come in handy. Verbatim strings begin with @" and end with a regular quote ".

local mystring = @"eenie

You may also need to add quote characters within the verbatim string, to do so you double up each quotation "". The double quote will be replaced with a single quote by the compiler.

local mystring = @"eenie


Now that you know how to create data and store it into variables, we can now go over how to modify and operate on that data. Operators are used for this purpose, they take one or more operands and produce a result value. Operators which take one operand are called unary operators, two operands are binary operators, and three are ternary operators. This section is quite long so don't worry about memorizing every single operator, just browse through and become familiar with the various types of operators and their uses, you'll have plenty of examples throughout the rest of the guide to work with.


Unary Operators

Operator Symbol Form Operation
Unary minus - -x Negation of x
local x = 50;
x = -x; // -50

Binary Operators

Operator Symbol Form Operation
Addition + x + y x plus y
Subtraction - x - y x minus y
Multiplication * x * y x multiplied by y
Division / x / y x divided by y
Remainder % x % y the remainder from: x divided by y
local v = 100 + 100; // 200
local w = 0 - 2;     // -2
local x = 5.5 * 100; // 550.0
local y = 20 / 2;    // 10
local z = 23 % 2;    // 1

The addition operators + and += are also able to handle string operands. If one operand is a string, Squirrel will try to convert the other operand to a string as well. This same type conversion happens between floats and integers for any arithmetic operator (not just addition). If one operand is a float and the other an integer, the resulting value will be a float.

local str1 = "Hello,";
local str2 = " World!";
str1 += str2; // Hello World!
// See next section for +=

local float = 10 + 10.0 // 20.0


Operator Symbol Form Operation
Assignment = x = y assign value y to variable x
Addition Assignment += x += y assign x + y to variable x
Subtraction Assignment -= x -= y assign x - y to variable x
Multiplication Assignment *= x *= y assign x * y to variable x
Division Assignment /= x /= y assign x / y to variable x
Remainder Assignment %= x %= y assign x % y to variable x
local x = 100;
x += 5;   // instead of x = x + 5
x -= 5;   // 100
x *= 100; // 10,000
x /= 2;   // 5,000
x %= 2;   // 0


Operator Symbol Form Operation
Pre-increment ++ ++x increment x by 1, then return x
Post-increment ++ x++ copy x, increment variable x by 1, then return the copy
Pre-decrement -- --x decrement x by 1, then return x
Post-decrement -- x-- copy x, decrement variable x by 1, then return the copy
local x = 1;
local y = x++; // y = 1, it got the value of x and then x got incremented
local z = ++x; // y = 2, x got incremented and then y got x's value


Operator Symbol Form Operation
Equality == x == y true if x equals y, false otherwise
Inequality != x != y true if x does not equal y, false otherwise
Less than < x < y true if x is less than y, false otherwise
Greater than > x > y true if x is greater than y, false otherwise
Less than or equal to <= x <= y true if x is less than or equal to y, false otherwise
Greater than or equal to >= x >= y true if x is greater than or equal to y, false otherwise
local v = 100 + 100; // 200
local w = 0 - 2;     // -2
local x = 5.5 * 100; // 550.0
local y = 20 / 2;    // 10
local z = 23 % 2;    // 1


&&, ||, !


&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>, >>>

Other Operators

in, instanceof, typeof, comma, ternary

Operator Precedence

-, ~, !, typeof , ++, -- highest /, *, % … +, - <<, >>, >>> <, <=, >, >=, instanceof ==, !=, <=> & ^ &&, in +=, =, -=, /=, *=, %= … , (comma operator) lowest

IntegerLiteral  ::= [1-9][0-9]* | '0x' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ | [.]+ | 0[0-7]+ FloatLiteral  ::= [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ FloatLiteral  ::= [0-9]+ '.' 'e'|'E' '+'|'-' [0-9]+ StringLiteral  ::= '"'[.]* '"' VerbatimStringLiteral ::= '@"'[.]* '"'


Intro to Functions

Intro to Objects


Control Flow

if/else if/else for foreach while do while switch break continue


try catch throw







Weak References


