Additions to existing entities
- You can target parent of specified entity by adding @p@. @p@!activator would target parent of the activator entity
- You can target children of specified entity by adding @c@ prefix. @c@!activator would target children of the activator entity
- Target all entities in a box by adding @bbxmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax@ prefix. @bb-100 -100 -100 100 100 100@prop_dynamic would target prop_dynamic entities inside -100 -100 -100 100 100 100 box
- $EnableAll
- Enable the camera for all players on the map. Spawnflag [512] may not work properly. (Start At Player, Interruptable by Player)
- $DisableAll
- Disable the camera for all players on the map
- $SetTarget <entity>
- Set current target to entity
Sentry Gun (obj_sentrygun)
- [64] - Spawn as mini-sentry
Weapon Mimic (tf_point_weapon_mimic)
- Fired projectiles can have their team assigned with teamnum keyvalue (2 for RED and 3 for BLU). Previously all fired projectiles always belonged to the BLU team
- If the player owner is set with $SetOwner or $InheritOwner, fired projectiles are assigned to the owner
- Fired stickybombs are automatically removed if the mimic is removed
- Added projectile type 4 - Bullet. SpeedMax keyvalue determines max distance (infinite if not specified). SplashRadius determines knockback force
- [4] - Fire "OnUser4" output when projectile is fired, with the projectile as
Tank (tank_boss)
- When tank starts deploying, and there is at least one PointTemplate assigned to it, "OnUser4" output is activated
- OnStartDeploy
- Fired when the tank is deploying the bomb
Medic shield (entity_medigun_shield)
- [1] - Don't expire and don't block LOS
- [2] - Use the LV2 Shield model
Text formatter
With the use of the added inputs, logic_case can be transformed into a text formatter, replacing % in the format string into format parameters.
Example point template usage:
Target "formattest"
Action "$Format"
Delay 1
"targetname" "formattest"
"case16" "You have % out of % coins left. % %% done" // Formatter string
"case01" "6" //First argument
"case02" "12" //Second argument
"case03" "50" //Third argument
"ondefault" "player,$DisplayTextCenter,,0,-1"
This would display "You have 6 out of 12 coins left. 50 % done" to all players
You can use $DisplayMenu input to display a menu for the player, up to 15 entries
Target "menutest"
Action "$DisplayMenu"
Delay 1
Param "player"
"targetname" "menutest"
"case16" "Menu title|30|Cancel" // Title, menu duration (0 for infinite), display optional cancel button
"case01" "option1" //First argument
"case02" "!disabled option" //Second argument, disabled
"case03" "suicide" //Third argument
"oncase03" "!activator,sethealth,0,0,-1" // Selected 3rd option
"ondefault" "player,$DisplayTextCenter,he,0,-1" // No option selected
- $FormatString <string>
- Sets formatting string, then fires OnDefault output, with formatted string as parameter
- $FormatStringNoFire <string>
- Sets formatting string
- $FormatInput1 <string>
- Sets formatting input argument 1, then fires OnDefault output, with formatted string as parameter
- $FormatInput2-15 <string>
- Sets formatting input argument 2-15, then fires OnDefault output, with formatted string as parameter
- $FormatInputNoFire1 <string>
- Sets formatting input argument 1
- $Format
- Fires OnDefault output, with formatted string as parameter
- $TestSigsegv
- Fires OnUser1 output. Can be used to test if sigsegv extension is active
- $ToInt <any>
- Fires OnDefault output, converts parameter value from string/float to integer
- $ToFloat <any>
- Fires OnDefault output, converts value from string/int to real number
- $CallerToActivator <any>
- Fires OnDefault output, but the !caller entity is converted to !activator
- $GetKeyValueFromActivator <string>
- Fires OnDefault output, the key value from the !activator entity is the parameter
- $GetConVar <string>
- Fires OnDefault output, the convar (console variable) number value is the parameter
- $GetConVarString <string>
- Fires OnDefault output, the convar (console variable) string value is the parameter
- $DisplayMenu <entity>
- Display menu at player
- $HideMenu <entity>
- Hide menu at player
- $StopVO <string>
- Stops sound that was started with PlayVO input
- $StopVORed <string>
- Stops sound that was started with PlayVORed input
- $StopVOBlue <string>
- Stops sound that was started with PlayVOBlue input
- $SetBossHealthPercentage <float>
- Set Halloween boss bar percentage to a value between 0 and 1. 0 hides the health bar, any other value makes the bar appear
- $SetBossState <int>
- If set to 1, makes the health bar green, like if Merasmus is hiding. If set to 0, the bar goes back to normal
- $AddCurrencyGlobal <int>
- Add currency to all players
- $AllowClassAnimations <0|1>
- Allow class animations instead of using refpose when UseCustomModel input is fired to change player model
- $SwitchClass <string>
- Switch player class. The parameter can be either a class name (heavyweapons for example), or class index
- $SwitchClassInPlace <string>
- Switch player class in current position. The parameter can be either a class name (heavyweapons for example), or class index
- $ForceRespawn
- The player instantly respawns
- $ForceRespawnDead
- The player instantly respawns, but only if they are dead
- $DisplayTextCenter <string>
- Display text in the middle of the screen
- $DisplayTextChat <string>
- Display text to the player's chat
- $Suicide
- Kill the player
- $ChangeAttributes <string>
- If the player is a bot, this can be used to change active EventChangeAttributes
- $RollCommonSpell
- Roll common spell
- $SetSpell <string>
- Set player current spell to one of the following:
- Fireball
- Ball O' Bats
- Healing Aura
- Pumpkin MIRV
- Superjump
- Invisibility
- Teleport
- Tesla Bolt
- Minify
- Meteor Shower
- Summon Monoculus
- Summon Skeletons
- Set player current spell to one of the following:
- $AddSpell <string>
- Adds spell to the number of spells. If the spell is different than the current one, it replaces the spell. The parameter is the same as in $SetSpell
- $AddCond <int> [int]
- Add condition to player. If a second argument is present, the condition will only run for a specified duration
- $RemoveCond <int>
- Remove condition from player
- $AddPlayerAttribute <string>
- Add attribute to player, the parameter should be passed in this way: attribute|value. Example: "move speed bonus|1.2"
- $RemovePlayerAttribute <string>
- Remove attribute from player. Example: "move speed bonus"
- $AddItemAttribute <string>
- Add attribute to item in slot, the parameter should be passed in this way: attribute|value|slot. Example "damage bonus|2|0" adds 100% damage bonus to primary weapon
- $RemoveItemAttribute <string>
- Remove attribute from item in slot, the parameter should be passed in this way: attribute|slot. Example "damage bonus|0" removes damage bonus from primary weapon
- $PlaySoundToSelf <string>
- Play sound to the player
- $IgnitePlayerDuration <float>
- Ignite the player for a specified duration in seconds
- $WeaponSwitchSlot <int>
- Forcibly switches to weapon in slot
- $WeaponStripSlot <int>
- Removes weapon from a slot (-1 = current slot)
- $GiveItem <string>
- Gives an item to the player
- $AddCurrency <int>
- Add currency to the player
- $RemoveCurrency <int>
- Remove currency from the player
- $SetCurrency <int>
- Set currency to specified value
- $CurrencyOutputX <string>
- Fires input if player currency is above specified value (the X in input name), the attribute should be passed in this way: target,input,parameter.
- $CurrencyInvertOutputX<string>
- Fires input if player currency is below specified value(the X in input name), the attribute should be passed in this way: target,input,parameter
- $DropItem <int>
- Drop item in slot (-1 = current slot)
- $RemoveItem <string>
- Remove item with a name
- $Regenerate
- Regenerate the player, as if touching resupply cabinet
- $RefillAmmo
- Restore player ammo
If entity owner is set with $SetOwner or $InheritOwner, the owner will become the damage inflictor
Filter entities
The server will no longer crash if the activator entity got removed the time TestActivator is called
- $TestEntity <entity>
- Test any entity, rather than only the !activator
Trigger entities
The server will no longer crash if the caller entity got removed the time StartTouch or EndTouch is called
- $StartTouchEntity <entity>
- StartTouch any entity, rather than only the !caller
- $EndTouchEntity <entity>
- EndTouch any entity, rather than only the !caller
The server will no longer crash if the player using the entity disconnected from the server
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the key value. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the key to compare, example: health
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter (default: equal). Should only be set for numeric values
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the custom entity variable (declared by firing $SetVar$variablename input of the entity). Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: myvar
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter (default: equal). Should only be set for numeric values
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the datamap prop. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: m_iHealth
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter (default: equal). Should only be set for numeric values
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
Custom filter that lets you filter entities matching the send prop. Shares inputs with filter_base entity
- $name <string>
- Name of the variable to compare, example: m_nCurrency
- $value <any>
- Value to compare against
- $compare <string>
- The condition for passing the filter (default: equal). Should only be set for numeric values
- Possible values:
- equal
- less than
- greater than
- less than or equal
- greater than or equal
All entities
- $FireUserAsActivator1-4 <string>
- Acts like FireUser1-4, but the entity becomes the !activator, and the parameter is passed in OnUser1-4 output
- $FireUser5-8 <string>
- Fires custom $onuser5-8 output
- $TakeDamage <int>
- Take specified amount of damage
- $TakeDamageFromActivator <int>
- Take specified amount of damage, the !activator is the damage inflictor
- $SetModel <string>
- Set custom model
- $SetModelOverride <string>
- Set custom model, only changes the appearence
- $SetModelSpecial <string>
- Set custom model, in a special way, it does less additional changes to the entity
- $SetOwner <entity>
- Set entity owner
- $InheritOwner <entity>
- Set entity owner to the passed entity owner
- $InheritParent <entity>
- Set entity parent to the passed entity parent
- $GetKeyValue <string>
- Fire OnUser1 output, with key value as a parameter
- $MoveType <int>,<int>
- Set move type
- $PlaySound <string>
- Play sound from this entity
- $StopSound <string>
- Stop playing sound from this entity
- $SetLocalOrigin <vector>
- Set origin relative to parent
- $SetLocalAngles <vector>
- Set angles relative to parent
- $SetLocalVelocity <vector>
- Set velocity relative to parent
- $TeleportToEntity <entity>
- Teleport to specified entity
- $MoveRelative <vector>
- Move relative to parent (world)
- $RotateRelative <vector>
- Rotate relative to parent (world)
- $SetKey$(keyvalue name) <string>
- Set keyvalue to specified value
- $GetKey$(keyvalue name) <string>
- parameter format: entity|input|default value
- example: !activator|$DisplayTextCenter|def
- Trigger the input of an entity, with keyvalue as a paramer (default value if not found)
- $SetVar$(variable name) <string>
- Set custom entity variable
- $GetVar$(variable name) <string>
- parameter format: entity|input|default value
- example: !activator|$DisplayTextCenter|def
- Trigger the input of an entity, with variable as a paramer (default value if not found)
- $SetData$(datamap prop name) <string>
- Set datamap property to specified value
- $GetData$(datamap prop name) <string>
- parameter format: entity|input|default value
- example: !activator|$DisplayTextCenter|def
- Trigger the input of an entity, with datamap prop as a paramer (default value if not found)
- $SetProp$(send prop name) <string>
- Set send property to specified value
- $GetProp$(send prop name) <string>
- parameter format: entity|input|default value
- example: !activator|$DisplayTextCenter|def
- Trigger the input of an entity, with send prop as a paramer (default value if not found)
- $OnUser5-8 <string>
- Called when $FireUser5-8 input is used
- $OnKilled
- Fired when the entity is killed. The calling entity no longer exist and cannot be accessed