CTFProjectile SpellSpawnZombie
This projectile is used by CTFProjectile_SpellSpawnHorde to spawn CZombie entities (skeletons) around it's impact point. The Skeleton Horde spell simply determines where this projectile will spawn from. When this projectile hits the world, the skeleton is spawned.
Source location : /game/shared/tf/halloween/tf_weapon_spellbook.cpp
Linked entity : tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie
Class Structure
- CBaseEntity
- CBaseAnimating
- CBaseProjectile
- CBaseGrenade
- CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj
- CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile
- CTFProjectile_Jar
- CTFProjectile_SpellBats
- CTFProjectile_SpellSpawnZombie
- CTFProjectile_SpellBats
- CTFProjectile_Jar
- CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile
- CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj
- CBaseGrenade
- CBaseProjectile
- CBaseAnimating